Plant Biotechnology Journal|Deng Xingwang’s team and He Hang’s team revealed for the first time the high-order structure of plant chromatin regulated by light..
people Research direction: light signaling, chromatin
people Corresponding authors: Academician Deng Xingwang, Researcher He Hang
people First authors: Li Zhu、Dr. Sun Linhua
people Important contributions: Xu Xiao, Liu Yutong

Nature Communications|The collaboration between He Hang's team and Deng Xingwang's team is the first to report on the advanced structure of plant chromatin at nucleosome resolution and analyze its molecular mechanism
people Research direction: nucleosomes and chromatin
people Corresponding author: Academician Deng Xingwang and Researcher He Hang
people First authors: Dr. Sun Linhua, Zhou Jingru, Xu Xiao
people Important contributions: Liu Yi, Ma Ni, Liu Yutong, Dr. Nie Wenchao, and Zou Ling

Nature Plants|Xingwang Deng/Hang He analyzing the Mechanism of Light Signal Regulation at the Single Cell Level in Plants
people Research Direction:Single cell, light signal
people Corresponding author:Academician Deng Xingwang、Researcher He Hang
people Lead author:Xue Han
people Important contribution:Researcher Jian Li、Researcher Bosheng Li、Researcher Huawei Zhang and other multiple teachers and colleagues

Molecular Plant|Kiwi Breeding 4.0 Begins! The team led by He Hang and Deng Xingwang successfully constructed two kiwi species T2T genomic maps
people Research Direction:kiwifruit
people Corresponding author: Researcher He Hang、Associate Researcher David Li、Academician Deng Xingwang、
people Lead author:Xue Han、Lilin Zhang、Associate Researcher Qiong Zhang、
people Important contribution:Ni Ma、Xiaoying Liu、Wenjing Tao、Zhiying Lou、Researcher Caihong Zhang

Plant Communications|He Hang's research group, in collaboration with partners, reveals the contribution of indica rice introgression to the genetic improvement of japonica rice
people Research Direction:Indica rice
people Corresponding author:Researcher Longzhi Han、Researcher Hang He
people Lead author:Di Cui、Han Zhou、Associate Researcher Xiaoding Ma
people Important contribution:Professor Deng Xingwang、Researcher Maomao Li、Researcher Jianchang Sun、Researcher Guixiu Jin、Researcher Xianju Wang

Nature Genetics|Deng Xingwang's laboratory and He Hang's research group, together with collaborative labs, jointly decode the 'breeding selection fingerprints' in the modern maize breeding process
people Research Direction:corn
people Corresponding author:Professor Haiyang Wang、Associate Researcher Hang He
people Lead author:Researche Baobao Wang、Zechuan Lin、Xin Li
people Important contribution:

Peking University Institute of Modern Agriculture has completed a super pan genome from telomeres to telomeres in the genus Watermelon! Embark on a new era of watermelon germplasm innovation and variety cultivation
people Research direction: Super pan genome、watermelon
people Corresponding authors: Researcher Zhang Xingping, Researcher Deng Yun, Researcher He Hang
people First authors: Zhang Yilin, Associate Researcher Zhao Mingxia, Tan Jingsheng, Dr. Huang Minghan
people Significant contributions: Academician Deng Xingwang, Researcher Li Bosheng, Researcher Qin Guochen and many other teachers and colleagues

Nature Communications|The team led by Guo Li collaborated with the team led by He Hang to analyze the complete genome of chili pepper and the evolutionary mechanism of capsaicin synthesis pathway.
people Research direction: Chili peppers, T2T
people Corresponding authors: Researcher Guo Li, Researcher He Hang
people First authors: Assistant Researcher Chen Weikai, Wang Xiangfeng, Sun Jie, Associate Professors Wang Xinrui, and Zhu Zhangsheng
people Significant contributions: Professor Deng Xingwang, Researcher Zhang Xingping, and Researcher Li Bosheng

Molecular Plant|The first watermelon T2T reference genome and EMS saturated mutant library
people Research Direction:watermelon
people Corresponding author:Researcher Xingping Zhang、Researcher Hang He
people Lead author:Researcher Yun Deng、Associate Researcher Shoucheng Liu、Yilin Zhang
people Important contribution:Researcher Yudong Sun、Professor Deng Xingwang、Researcher Yunbi Xu

Nature Genetics|He Hang's team and collaborators from Peking University Institute of Modern Agriculture published a high-quality rye genome in Nature Genetics
people Research Direction:rye
people Corresponding author:Researcher Wang Daowen、Researcher Zhang Kunpu、 Professor Yang Qinghua、Researcher Yang Jianping
people Lead author:Guangwei Li、Lijian Wang、Researcher Yang Jianping、Researcher He Hang、Huai bing Jin、Xuming Li、Associate Professor Ren Tianheng
people Important contribution:Academician Deng Xingwang、Xue Han

PNAS|Deng Xingwang/He Hang's team from Peking University reveals the genetic mechanism behind the formation of hybrid rice heterosis loci
people Research Direction:rice
people Corresponding author:Professor Deng Xingwang、Associate Researcher He Hang、Researcher Yang Yuanzhu
people Lead author:Zechuan Lin
people Important contribution:

Molecular Plant|Deng Xingwang/He Hang's Team from Peking University Reveals the Relationship between Light Signal Regulatory Networks and Plant Landing
people Research Direction:optical signal
people Corresponding author:Professor Deng Xingwang、Professor Zhong Bojian、Associate Researcher He Hang
people Lead author:Xue Han
people Important contribution:

Introduction of Researchers

Hang He   Director of Agricultural Organization Big Data Platform
Research Direction: Bioinformatics, Plant Genomics, Plant Multiomics
Educational experience:
2009 - 2011 ,Postdoctoral fellow, Bioinformatics, Peking University
2004 - 2009 , Doctor of Science, Bioinformatics, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2000 - 2004 , Bachelor of Science, Applied Mathematics, Peking University
Work Experience:
2011 - 2020,Associate Researcher, Peking University
2020 - ,Researcher, Peking University
Database and Tools

The first T2T watermelon genome and the mutant library
Website: http://www.watermelondb.cn
Genomic Database for Actinidia Species
Single Cell Atlases of Arabidopsis De-Etiolating Seedlings

Multiomics research
Bioinformatics is an emerging discipline in the field of life sciences that utilizes information technology to store, retrieve, and analyze large and complex biological data, thereby revealing the mysteries of biology. In recent years, with the continuous improvement of genome sequences and the development of various high-throughput data collection experimental methods, data mining and understanding have also played an increasingly important role in biological research. Our research group integrates different omics data through long-term genome, transcriptome, epigenetics, and phenotype research, uncovers the inherent correlations between different omics data, forms mathematical models of biological mechanisms, and discovers new regulatory laws through methods.

Research on Heterosis
Hybridity is a complex biological phenomenon commonly found in nature and has been widely applied in agricultural production. However, the molecular genetic mechanism of hybridization is still unclear. With the deepening and development of molecular biology, genomics, and bioinformatics research, utilizing systems biology methods to study the molecular mechanisms of hybrid dominance has important scientific significance and practical application value. The heterozygous offspring of parents with genotype heterogeneity have many different traits from their parents, which inevitably involves the interaction of parental genomes in the hybrid genetic background, leading to changes in gene expression regulation. At present, we use high-throughput sequencing technology to conduct whole genome analysis on different tissues and environmental conditions of a large number of hybrid combinations, exploring the regulatory mechanisms of genetic and epigenetic levels on plant heterosis performance, and comprehensively exploring the molecular mechanisms of heterosis.
Genomic selection
With the application of more new technologies in agricultural production, we can quickly explore functional genes in crops such as rice and maize from a large amount of genotype and phenotype data, while integrating multiple favorable traits to carry out whole genome selection breeding. At present, our research group has conducted high-throughput genotype and phenotype identification to analyze the germplasm resources and hybrid populations of various crops, establish the correlation between traits and markers at the whole genome level, further predict the trait performance of varieties through mathematical modeling, and carry out molecular design breeding.

Database and Tools
Through database tools, convenient data sharing is achieved, reducing data redundancy, ensuring data consistency, maintaining data independence, achieving centralized control of data, and greatly improving data maintainability.

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Hang He Researcher

Researcher at Peking University, Director of Bioinformation Platform at Peking University Institute of Modern Agriculture, and Postdoctoral Fellow at Peking University

Xue Han Associate Researche

Leader of kiwifruit precision design and breeding project, Postdoctoral Fellow of Peking University

Jiayue Chen Associate Researcher

Associate Research Fellow at the Bioinformatics Platform, PhD from Peking University

Jianxin Bian Associate Researcher

Associate Researcher of Bioinformation Platform and PhD holder at Northwest A&F University

Shoucheng Liu Associate Researche

Associate Researcher of Bioinformatics Platform, mainly responsible for bioinformatics analysis and cluster management

Kui Li Associate Researche

Associate Researcher of Bioinformatics Platform

Congcong Jin Research associate

Assistant Researcher of Crop Multiomics Laboratory

Shengzhang Zhu Visiting Scholar

Visiting Scholar of Crop Multiomics Laboratory

DiCui Visiting Scholar

Visiting Scholar of Crop Multiomics Laboratory

Xiuru Dai Visiting Schola

Visiting scholar on the bioinformatics platform, lecturer at Shandong Agricultural University, and doctoral candidate at Shandong Agricultural University

Zhiying Lou

Research Assistant for Bioinformatics Platform

Zizheng Ren

Research Assistant for Bioinformatics Platform

Shuai Ding

Research Assistant for Bioinformatics Platform

Guoliang Zhou

Research Assistant for Bioinformatics Platform

Xiaopeng Li

Research assistant for bioinformatics platform, responsible for bioinformatics analysis and cluster maintenance

Weimin Liu

Research Assistant for Bioinformatics Platform

Yutong Liu

Crop Multiomics Research Assistant

Hao Jiang

Research Assistant for Bioinformatics Platform

Xinlong Hu

Research Assistant for Bioinformatics Platform

Yan Wang

Research Assistant for Bioinformatics Platform

Yuan Lv

Research Assistant for Bioinformatics Platform

Zenhui Chen

Research Assistant for Bioinformatics Platform

Yuqi Guo

Research Assistant of Kiwi Research Group

Kai Wu

Research Assistant of Kiwi Research Group

Che Liu

Research Assistant for Bioinformatics Platform

Xu Wang

Technician of Kiwi Research Group

Jingming Chen

Network administrator, network infrastructure maintenance, network security management, software maintenance, database maintenance, and comprehensive data center maintenance

Yilin Zhang

Visiting student in crop multi omics laboratory, doctoral student at Peking University

Ni Ma

Visiting student in crop multi omics laboratory, doctoral student at Peking University

Haiyue Zen

Visiting student in crop multi omics laboratory, doctoral student at Peking University

Yijun Chen

Visiting student in crop multi omics laboratory, doctoral student at Tel Aviv University in Israel

Qi Zhang

Visiting student in crop multi omics laboratory, doctoral student from Northwest A&F University

Kun Kang

Intern at the Kiwi Precision Design and Breeding Research Group, Master's student at Northwest A&F University

Yin Li

Intern at the Kiwi Precision Design and Breeding Research Group, Master's student at Northwest A&F University

Yuting He

Intern at the bioinformatics platform, master's student at South China Agricultural University